Sunday, August 19, 2007

Histo and all that fun

So, technically, I'm supposed to be studying right now, although my mentor says that she hasn't heard of MS1's studying the day before classes start. I have already seen quite a few of my class, so I think this year is going to be very good. It's a scary thought to be facing the hardest semester of my life. All the time during undergrad was spent focusing on just getting in to med school. Hardly any of that time was spent thinking about what life would be like if I did get in. To tell you all the truth, it's pretty darn scary from this end. I have a stack of books probably 2 feet by now (and that's not even all of them!). For all of you pre-meds out there, a word of advice: DON'T buy what the professors want you to have in your school's bookstore. Get it online if possible. I think all of the books I am supposed to have amount to $1000 for the semester, but I have been blessed to have two mentors who have generously offered their old books to me. Also, I didn't know that many textbooks have e-book versions that you can find online too. So, some interesting tidbits. Well, it's back to more slackin:-) Love ya all. Peace out!

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