Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The semester rolls on....

Ok kids, so I'm taking a short break from the pharm to update everyone. Things are still going well. I'm being reminded quite frequently that this is not about me, but about Him and glorifying His name! My church has been going through the book of Ephesians- man are there some goodies in there or what?!?! It's been a true blessing.
In other news, Maggie is doing well. I think she hates me (not really) because I'm not hope as much as I should be, but we still have a good time.
First round of tests are down....Path still continues to amaze me! Pharm does too (thank you Dr. Anderson-- we are taking about organophosphate poisoning and PAM right now, hehe, how cool).
Oh, here's a juicy bit of news...I have been working out with a trainer once a week (and doing power walking 3-5/wk for an hour). I'm down ~15 pounds and we have a goal...Joanna is tired of being "heavy" as Poppie (I learned he likes his name spelled like that rather than with a "y") would put it. So, hopefully, by December of 2009, I will be down to a size 12. Yep that's right, I'm putting it out there, so keep me accountable ladies and gents. It's a 1600cal/day life for me (or less, hopefully).
Anyways, that's pretty much it. No news on the boy front and everyone knows that I really don't do much outside of school besides church. So, I will continue to post updates when I remember. Peace and love to all you grand gals and guys! Mwah!!!

1 comment:

shannon fay said...

I love you, Jo! Thanks for your encouraging words this week, and I am super proud of you for your healthy choices....I need to be better about that myself!